The Ultimate Guide to Himalayan Cat

Elegant Himalayan cats: alluring blue-eyed beauty, luxurious fur, and gentle personalities in one captivating breed.

Origin United States

Weight 7 to 12 lbs

Height 12 to 14 inches

Size Large

Hypoallergenic No

Life 12-15 years

Price 500$

Coat Long

Himalayan Cat Breed Photo

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Himalayan Cat Review

The Himalayan cat, also known as the "Himmie," is a breed known for its luxurious coat and striking blue eyes. It is a result of crossbreeding between the Persian and Siamese cat breeds. Here is a summary of the Himalayan cat:
Appearance: The Himalayan cat has a medium to large-sized body with a stocky build. It has a broad head, short nose, and distinctive round face. The most notable feature is its long, silky coat, which comes in a variety of colors and patterns. The coat requires regular grooming to prevent matting.
Temperament: Himalayans are known for their gentle and calm nature. They are affectionate, social, and enjoy spending time with their human companions. They are generally friendly and get along well with other pets, making them suitable for multi-pet households.
Intelligence: Himalayans are considered to be intelligent cats. They are curious and enjoy interactive play, puzzle toys, and mental stimulation. They can learn tricks and commands with proper training and respond well to positive reinforcement.
Playfulness: While Himalayans are generally calm and laid-back, they still enjoy playtime and interactive activities. They may have bursts of energy and engage in playful behavior, but they are not as active or energetic as some other cat breeds.
Colors: Himalayans come in a wide range of colors and patterns, including seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, flame, cream, tortoiseshell, and more. They often have point coloration on their face, ears, paws, and tail.
Vocalization: Himalayans are known to be relatively quiet cats. They have a soft voice and are not as vocal as some other breeds. However, they may express their needs or desires through gentle meows or purring.
Health: Himalayans, like Persians, may be prone to certain health issues, including respiratory problems, dental issues, and eye conditions. Regular veterinary check-ups, proper dental care, and a healthy diet can help maintain their overall health.
Care: Himalayans require regular grooming to keep their long coat in good condition. Daily brushing is recommended to prevent matting and tangles. Additionally, they may need regular eye cleaning and dental care. It's important to provide them with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a safe and stimulating environment.
Lifespan: Himalayans have an average lifespan of around 9 to 15 years, although some can live longer with proper care and a healthy lifestyle.
Remember that individual cats within a breed can vary in temperament and personality. It's essential to spend time with a Himalayan cat or any other breed to assess compatibility and determine if their characteristics align with your lifestyle and preferences.

Himalayan Origin

The Himalayan cat breed originated in the United States in the early 20th century. It was developed through selective breeding efforts to combine the physical features of the Persian cat and the colorpoint pattern of the Siamese cat.
The breed's development began in the 1920s when breeders aimed to produce a cat with the Persian's luxurious coat and body type but with the colorpoint markings found in Siamese cats. Initially, these crossbreedings were conducted informally, but the breed gained recognition and popularity over time.
In the 1930s, Virginia Cobb and Dr. Clyde Keeler, American breeders, played significant roles in further refining and promoting the breed. They selectively bred Persians with Siamese cats to achieve the desired appearance and temperament.
The breed was first known as "Longhaired Siamese" but was later renamed "Himalayan" to reflect its association with the Himalayan rabbit breed, which shares similar colorpoint markings. The name also evokes a sense of mystery and exoticism.
In the 1950s, the Himalayan cat breed gained recognition from cat registries and cat shows. It was officially recognized as a separate breed by the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) in 1957.
Since then, Himalayans have become a popular breed known for their beauty and sweet temperament. They continue to be cherished as companion animals and are often seen in cat shows and as beloved pets in households around the world.

Himalayan Characteristics

Himalayan cats, also known as "Himmies," have the following characteristics:
Appearance: Himalayans have a medium to large-sized body with a stocky build and a round head. They have a luxurious long coat with a dense undercoat. Their coat is typically white or cream-colored with colorpoint markings on the ears, face, legs, and tail. The colorpoint patterns can include various shades such as seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, and more.
Coat and Grooming: Himalayans have a long, silky coat that requires regular grooming to prevent matting and keep it looking its best. Daily brushing is recommended to keep their coat tangle-free and to reduce shedding. Regular bathing may also be necessary to maintain coat cleanliness.
Temperament: Himalayans are known for their gentle, calm, and sweet nature. They are typically affectionate, loving, and enjoy being in the company of their owners. They are known for being excellent lap cats and enjoy cuddling and receiving attention. Himalayans are generally quiet and reserved but can be playful and enjoy interactive toys and games.
Sociability: Himalayans are generally friendly and sociable cats. They usually get along well with other cats and cat-friendly dogs if properly introduced. They enjoy the company of their human family and are known to be good with children, making them a great choice for families.
Health: Himalayans, like Persian cats, can be prone to certain health issues, including breathing difficulties due to their flat facial structure and eye drainage problems due to their prominent eyes. Polycystic kidney disease (PKD), dental issues, and obesity can also occur in this breed. Regular veterinary check-ups and a balanced diet are important to maintain their overall health.
Indoor Lifestyle: Himalayans are best suited for an indoor lifestyle due to their long coat and docile nature. They are not as active as some other cat breeds and prefer a calm and comfortable environment.
It's important to note that individual cats may vary in temperament and personality, so it's essential to spend time with a Himalayan kitten or cat before bringing one into your home to ensure compatibility with your lifestyle and preferences.

Himalayan Temperament





Himalayan cats are known for their affectionate nature. They are often described as sweet, loving, and devoted to their human companions.





Himalayan cats are considered to be of average intelligence. They are known to be observant and curious, and they can learn and adapt to their surroundings.





Himalayan cats have a moderate level of playfulness. While they may not be as active and energetic as some other cat breeds, they do enjoy playtime and engaging in interactive activities with their owners.

Himalayan Personality

Himalayan cats are known for their calm and gentle nature. Here are some key personality traits of Himalayans:
Affectionate: Himalayans are often described as loving and affectionate cats. They enjoy being close to their owners and are known to be quite cuddly.
Gentle: These cats have a gentle and easygoing temperament. They are generally patient and tolerant, making them well-suited for households with children or other pets.
Relaxed: Himalayans tend to have a relaxed and laid-back personality. They are not known for being overly active or energetic and are content with a calm and peaceful environment.
Social: Himalayans are social cats that enjoy the company of their human family members. They may follow you around the house and will often seek out attention and companionship.
Playful: While Himalayans are generally not as active as some other cat breeds, they still enjoy playtime. They may have bursts of energy and engage in interactive play sessions, especially when stimulated with toys or playmates.
Quiet: Himalayans are typically not very vocal cats. They tend to have soft voices and are not known for excessive meowing or vocalizations.
It's important to note that individual personalities can vary among Himalayans, just like any other cat breed. Some cats may exhibit more extroverted or introverted traits, so it's essential to spend time with a specific cat to assess their personality before making a decision to bring them into your home.

Himalayan Colors

Himalayan cats are known for their beautiful coat colors and patterns. They typically have a long, luxurious coat that comes in a variety of colors, including:
Seal Point: This is the most recognized color pattern for Himalayans. The body is cream or fawn-colored, and the points (ears, face, paws, and tail) are dark brown or black.
Blue Point: Similar to the Seal Point, but with a bluish-gray color for the points instead of dark brown or black.
Chocolate Point: The body is an ivory or off-white color, and the points are a warm, chocolate brown.
Lilac Point: The body is a pale, frosty white, and the points are a soft, pinkish-gray color.
Flame Point: The body is cream-colored, and the points are a reddish-orange or flame color.
Tortie Point: This pattern combines any of the above colors with patches or splashes of red or cream, creating a unique and colorful coat.
These are some of the common color variations you may find in Himalayan cats, but there can be other color combinations as well. The color points are typically darker on the face, ears, paws, and tail, while the body is lighter in color.

Himalayan Traits





Himalayan cats have a moderate activity level. While they do enjoy playtime and interactive toys, they are generally known to be calm and relaxed cats.





Himalayan cats are known to have a soft and gentle voice. They are generally not as vocal as some other breeds, such as Siamese cats.





Himalayan cats have long, luxurious coats that require regular grooming to keep them healthy and beautiful.

Himalayan Cat Grooming and Vocal

Grooming: Himalayan cats have long, luxurious coats that require regular grooming to keep them in good condition. Here are some grooming considerations for Himalayans:
Coat Care: The Himalayan's coat is prone to matting and tangling, so daily brushing is recommended to prevent knots from forming. A stainless steel comb or a slicker brush can be used to gently remove tangles and keep the coat looking its best.
Bathing: Regular baths may be necessary to keep the Himalayan's coat clean and free of oils. It's important to use a cat-specific shampoo and ensure the cat is fully dry after the bath to prevent skin issues.
Eye Care: Himalayans have distinctive large, round eyes that can be prone to tear staining. Regular wiping of the eye area with a damp cloth can help reduce tear stains and keep the eyes clean.
Nail Trimming: Like all cats, Himalayans need regular nail trimming to prevent their claws from becoming too long or sharp. Use cat-specific nail clippers and take care not to cut into the quick of the nail. Vocality: Himalayan cats are generally not known for being very vocal compared to some other breeds. However, individual cats may vary in their level of vocalization. Some Himalayans may be more talkative and communicate with soft meows or chirps, while others may be quieter.
It's important to note that excessive or sudden changes in vocalization could indicate an underlying health issue, so if you notice any significant changes in your Himalayan's vocal behavior, it's best to consult a veterinarian for guidance.

Are Himalayan Cats Hypoallergenic: Understanding Allergies and Compatibility

Himalayan cats are not considered hypoallergenic. They have a long, thick coat that sheds regularly, which can potentially trigger allergies in sensitive individuals. While no cat breed is completely hypoallergenic, some breeds are known to produce fewer allergens or have less dander, which can help reduce allergic reactions in some people. However, Himalayans are not among those breeds.
If you or someone in your household has allergies to cats, it's important to spend time with a Himalayan cat before bringing one into your home to see if any allergic reactions occur. Additionally, regular grooming and cleaning of the cat's living environment can help minimize the presence of allergens. Consult with an allergist or medical professional for personalized advice and recommendations if you have concerns about allergies and owning a cat.

Himalayan Health Issues: Care Tips and Guidelines

Himalayan cats, like many other purebred cats, can be prone to certain health issues. Some of the common health concerns associated with the breed include:
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD): This is an inherited condition that affects the kidneys and can lead to kidney failure. It is important to obtain a kitten from a reputable breeder who tests their cats for PKD.
Respiratory Problems: Due to their short, flat faces, Himalayans can be prone to respiratory issues such as breathing difficulties and snoring. Their flat faces can also contribute to eye-related problems.
Dental Issues: Himalayans are known to have dental problems, including periodontal disease. Regular dental care, such as brushing their teeth and providing dental treats, is important to maintain their oral health.
Polycystic Liver Disease: This is a genetic condition characterized by the presence of cysts in the liver. Regular veterinary check-ups can help monitor and manage any potential liver issues.
Obesity: Himalayans have a tendency to gain weight easily, so it's important to provide them with a balanced diet and monitor their food intake to prevent obesity-related health problems.
Regular veterinary check-ups, proper nutrition, and a clean and safe environment are important for maintaining the overall health and well-being of Himalayan cats. Early detection and treatment of any health issues can help ensure a long and healthy life for your pet.

Himalayan Cat Names: Picking the Best Name For Cat


Bella, Max, Luna, Oliver, Lucy

Himalayan Care

Taking care of a Himalayan cat involves several aspects to ensure their health and well-being:
Grooming: Himalayans have long, luxurious coats that require regular grooming to prevent matting and tangles. Daily brushing is recommended to keep their coat clean and free of knots. Additionally, regular bathing, usually once a month, can help maintain their coat's cleanliness.
Eye and Facial Care: Due to their flat faces, Himalayans are prone to eye discharge and tear stains. Regularly cleaning their eyes and wiping their face with a damp cloth can help keep their facial area clean and reduce tear staining.
Dental Care: Dental hygiene is crucial for Himalayans to prevent dental issues. Regular teeth brushing with a cat-friendly toothpaste and providing dental treats or toys can help keep their teeth clean and prevent dental disease.
Nutrition: Provide a balanced and nutritious diet specifically formulated for cats. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate type and amount of food for your Himalayan based on their age, weight, and activity level. Obesity is a concern for this breed, so portion control is important.
Environmental Enrichment: Himalayans are indoor cats, and it's essential to provide them with a stimulating and enriching environment. This includes providing scratching posts, toys, and perches for climbing and observing their surroundings. Interactive playtime and regular exercise are also important to keep them mentally and physically stimulated.
Regular Veterinary Check-ups: Schedule regular veterinary visits to monitor your Himalayan's overall health, vaccinations, and to address any concerns or issues that may arise. Early detection and treatment of health problems can lead to better outcomes.
It's important to remember that each cat is unique, and their care may vary slightly. Consulting with a veterinarian and maintaining open communication with your breeder or rescue organization can provide additional guidance specific to your Himalayan cat's needs.

Himalayan Kitten: Tips for Finding Your Perfect Feline Companion

When choosing a Himalayan kitten, there are several factors to consider:
Reputable Breeder: Look for a reputable breeder who is knowledgeable about the breed and takes good care of their cats. They should provide a clean and safe environment for the kittens.
Health Checks: Ensure that the kitten has received proper veterinary care, including vaccinations and deworming. Ask for health certificates and any relevant documentation.
Physical Appearance: Examine the kitten's physical features. Himalayans have a distinct appearance with a flat face, large round eyes, and a dense coat. Look for a well-proportioned body and clear, bright eyes.
Temperament: Spend time with the kitten to assess its temperament. Himalayans are typically gentle, affectionate, and calm cats. They should be friendly, curious, and comfortable being handled.
Socialization: Check if the kitten has been properly socialized. A well-socialized kitten will be comfortable around humans, other animals, and various household environments.
Parental Health and Temperament: Ask about the health and temperament of the kitten's parents. This can provide an indication of the potential health and behavior of the kitten.
Breeder Support: A good breeder will offer ongoing support and be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have about raising your Himalayan kitten.
Remember, adopting a kitten is a long-term commitment, so it's important to choose one that suits your lifestyle and preferences. Take your time, ask questions, and ensure that you are getting a healthy and well-cared-for kitten.

Himalayan Size

Himalayan cats are generally medium to large in size. Adult Himalayans typically weigh between 7 to 12 pounds (3 to 5.4 kilograms)
Body Structure: Himalayans have a sturdy and muscular body with a well-rounded chest and a medium-length, thick tail. Their body is balanced and proportionate, giving them an elegant appearance.
Head and Face: Himalayans have a round head with a flat facial profile. Their face is adorned with large, round eyes that are typically blue or deep blue in color. They have a broad nose and a short, broad muzzle.
Ears: The ears of Himalayan cats are medium-sized and set wide apart. They are rounded at the tips and covered in fur.
Legs and Paws: Himalayans have short, strong legs that are in proportion to their body. Their paws are round and firm, and they often have tufts of fur between their toes.
Coat: The Himalayan cat's most distinctive feature is its long and luxurious coat. Their fur is thick, dense, and soft to the touch. It is typically white or cream-colored with color points on the face, ears, paws, and tail. The color points can be various shades, including seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, flame, cream, tortie, and lynx.
Overall, Himalayan cats have a regal and graceful appearance, with a combination of both Persian and Siamese characteristics. Their fluffy coat and striking color points make them a visually stunning breed.

Himalayan Lifespan

Himalayan cats have an average lifespan of around 12 to 15 years. However, with proper care and a healthy lifestyle, they can live up to 20 years or more. It's important to provide them with a balanced diet, regular veterinary care, plenty of exercise, and a stress-free environment to help ensure a long and healthy life.

Himalayan Price

The price of a Himalayan cat can vary depending on various factors such as the breeder's reputation, the cat's pedigree, the cat's age, and the location. On average, a pet-quality Himalayan kitten can range from $500 to $1,200. However, show-quality Himalayans or those with exceptional pedigrees can be more expensive, often ranging from $1,200 to $2,500 or even higher. It's important to note that these are just average price ranges, and individual breeders may set their own prices based on their own criteria. Additionally, rescue organizations or shelters may offer Himalayan cats at lower prices or adoption fees.

Himalayan Facts

Distinctive Appearance
Himalayan cats stand out with their captivating features, notably their mesmerizing blue almond-shaped eyes and the luxurious length of their coats. These coats showcase a range of color points, a trait they share with Siamese cats, adding to their allure and elegance.

Crossbred Heritage
The Himalayan breed is a product of purposeful crossbreeding between Persian and Siamese cats. This unique blend has resulted in a breed that combines the best attributes of both ancestors, manifesting in their striking appearance and delightful temperament.

Gentle and Affectionate
Known for their gentle and placid disposition, Himalayans make for wonderful companions. Their calm nature and affectionate demeanor make them an ideal choice for families, individuals, and even seniors seeking a loving feline friend.

Low Activity Level
Himalayans are not the most energetic cats, preferring a relaxed and serene indoor lifestyle. Engaging in occasional playtime and providing stimulating toys can help maintain their physical and mental well-being.

Social Butterflies
Despite their regal appearance, Himalayans are social creatures at heart. They form strong bonds with their human companions and enjoy being a part of the household activities, proving themselves as affectionate and loyal friends.

Vocal Communicators
Inherited from their Siamese lineage, Himalayans possess a soft, melodious voice. They express themselves through gentle meows and soothing purrs, using their vocalizations to communicate their needs and desires.

Health Considerations
Due to their distinctive flat faces (a characteristic known as brachycephalic), Himalayan cats can be prone to certain health issues. Respiratory challenges and dental concerns are among the considerations, underlining the importance of regular veterinary care.

Indoor Living
Himalayans' long and luxurious coats require careful upkeep and are sensitive to outdoor elements. For their health and appearance, these cats are best suited to indoor living, where they can thrive in a safe and controlled environment.

With proper care, Himalayan cats can enjoy a substantial lifespan. Owners who provide dedicated attention, regular veterinary check-ups, and a nurturing environment can often expect their furry companions to live well into their mid-teens or even longer.

Adaptable Companions
One of the Himalayan breed's attractive traits is their adaptability. Whether you live in a spacious home or a cozy apartment, these cats can adjust to various living situations. Their serene demeanor makes them well-suited for individuals with bustling schedules, ensuring a harmonious coexistence.