The Ultimate Guide to Somali Cat

Somali Cats: Enchanting Tails and Spirited Hearts. Delve into the Stunning Appearance, Energetic Personality, and Care Essentials for Somali Cats. Your Gateway to Embracing the Allure of this Fox-Like Feline Companion.

Origin United States

Weight 8 to 12 lbs

Height 8 to 10 inches

Size Medium

Hypoallergenic No

Life 12-16 years

Price 800$

Coat Long

Somali Cat Breed Photo

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Somali Cat Review

The Somali cat is a long-haired breed that is known for its beautiful coat, playful nature, and striking resemblance to a small fox. Here is a summary of the Somali cat:
Appearance: Somali cats have a medium-sized body with a muscular build. They have a long and flowing coat with a soft and silky texture. Their fur is often referred to as a "ticked" coat because each hair is banded with multiple colors, giving it a unique and beautiful appearance. They come in a variety of colors, including red, ruddy, blue, and fawn.
Temperament: Somali cats are known for their playful, curious, and energetic nature. They enjoy interactive play and can be quite agile and athletic. Despite their active nature, they are also affectionate and enjoy spending time with their human companions. They are generally friendly, social, and have a reputation for being loyal and devoted to their owners.
Intelligence: Somali cats are considered to be intelligent and can quickly learn and adapt to new situations. They enjoy mental stimulation and can be taught tricks or engage in puzzle toys to keep their minds active. Their intelligence also makes them curious and inquisitive, always exploring their surroundings.
Grooming: The Somali cat has a long, thick, and dense coat that requires regular grooming. Weekly brushing is necessary to prevent matting and keep their fur in good condition. They shed moderately throughout the year but experience heavier shedding during seasonal changes.
Health: Somali cats are generally healthy and have no breed-specific health issues. However, as with any cat, they can be prone to certain common feline health conditions such as dental problems, obesity, and urinary tract issues. Regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and exercise are essential for maintaining their overall health.
Compatibility: Somali cats are known to be sociable and generally get along well with other cats and pets, including dogs. They are also usually friendly towards children and can be a good choice for families. However, proper introductions and gradual socialization are important when introducing a Somali cat to new pets or young children.
Overall, Somali cats are an ideal choice for those seeking a playful, intelligent, and affectionate companion with a stunning appearance. Their lively personality and striking coat make them a popular choice among cat lovers.

Somali Origin

The Somali cat breed is believed to have originated from Abyssinian cats, which are one of the oldest known cat breeds. The Somali breed was developed in the 1960s in the United States when breeders noticed long-haired kittens appearing in Abyssinian litters. These kittens were the result of a recessive gene mutation.
These long-haired Abyssinians were initially considered anomalies, but breeders recognized their beauty and unique characteristics. They began selectively breeding these long-haired kittens to develop a distinct breed with desirable traits. The breeders focused on preserving the Abyssinian's signature ticked coat pattern while creating a long-haired variant.
The breed was named "Somali" in reference to the neighboring country of Somalia, which shares a border with Abyssinia (modern-day Ethiopia), the historical home of the Abyssinian cats. The name was chosen to reflect the breed's connection to its Abyssinian roots.
The Somali breed gained recognition and popularity throughout the 1970s and 1980s. It was officially recognized by cat registries and cat associations, including The International Cat Association (TICA) and the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA). Today, the Somali cat is recognized as a separate breed from the Abyssinian and is appreciated for its unique coat and playful nature.
The Somali cat's history is closely intertwined with the Abyssinian breed, as they share a common ancestry. The breeders' efforts to selectively breed long-haired Abyssinians resulted in the establishment of the Somali breed as a distinct and recognized breed within the cat fancy community.

Somali Characteristics

Here are some key characteristics of Somali cats:
Coat: Somali cats have a long, flowing, and dense coat that is soft to the touch. Their fur is often referred to as a "ticked" coat because each hair is banded with multiple colors. This gives them a beautiful and unique appearance.
Colors: Somali cats come in a variety of colors, including red, ruddy, blue, and fawn. The ticking pattern on their coat creates a warm and rich coloration.
Body: They have a medium-sized body with a muscular build. Their bodies are well-balanced and agile, allowing them to move with grace and agility.
Tail: Somali cats have a bushy and plume-like tail that matches the length of their body. Their tails are often held high and are an important part of their elegant appearance.
Facial Features: They have a wedge-shaped head with large, almond-shaped eyes that are usually amber or green in color. Their ears are medium-sized and set wide apart, giving them an alert and curious expression.
Personality: Somali cats are known for their playful and energetic nature. They enjoy interactive play and are often compared to having a kitten-like personality throughout their lives. They are intelligent, curious, and love to explore their surroundings. Somali cats are generally friendly, affectionate, and enjoy spending time with their human companions.
Vocalization: While Somali cats can be communicative, they are not excessively vocal. They may chirp, trill, or make soft meowing sounds to express their needs or engage in social interactions.
Sociability: Somali cats are generally sociable and get along well with other cats and pets. They are known to be friendly and adaptable, making them suitable for multi-pet households. They also tend to form strong bonds with their human family members and enjoy being involved in their daily activities.
Intelligence: Somali cats are considered intelligent and can quickly learn and adapt to new situations. They enjoy mental stimulation and are known to be quick learners. They can be taught tricks or engage in interactive toys to keep their minds engaged.
Affection: Somali cats are affectionate and enjoy physical contact with their owners. They often seek out attention and are known to be cuddly and loving companions.
These characteristics make Somali cats a popular choice among cat lovers who appreciate their stunning appearance, playful nature, and affectionate personalities.

Somali Temperament





Somali cats are known to be affectionate and enjoy forming close bonds with their human companions.





Somali cats are considered to be intelligent and have a keen intellect.





Somali cats are known for their playful nature and youthful energy.

Somali Personality

Somali cats have a distinct personality that is known for being playful, curious, and affectionate. Here are some key characteristics of their personality:
Playfulness: Somali cats retain their playful and energetic nature well into adulthood. They enjoy interactive play sessions, chasing toys, and engaging in games that stimulate their natural hunting instincts. Their playful nature makes them entertaining companions.
Curiosity: Somali cats are highly curious and love exploring their surroundings. They have a knack for getting into nooks and crannies and investigating anything that catches their attention. They enjoy interactive toys and puzzles that provide mental stimulation.
Affectionate: Somali cats form strong bonds with their human companions. They are known to be loving, cuddly, and enjoy being close to their owners. They often seek out attention, enjoy being petted, and may even follow their owners around the house.
Sociability: Somali cats are generally sociable and get along well with other pets and people. They enjoy being part of the family and may actively seek out social interactions. They tend to be friendly and welcoming to guests and may even enjoy being the center of attention.
Intelligence: Somali cats are considered intelligent and quick learners. They are known to figure out puzzles, learn new tricks, and adapt to new situations. They thrive on mental stimulation and appreciate engaging activities that challenge their intelligence.
Vocalization: Somali cats are not particularly vocal but may use soft chirps, trills, or purrs to communicate with their owners. They may vocalize when they want attention, to express contentment, or to communicate other needs.
Independent streak: While Somali cats are affectionate and sociable, they also appreciate their independence. They enjoy having their own space and may retreat to a quiet corner or high perch for some alone time. They can entertain themselves and are not overly dependent on constant attention.
It's important to note that individual Somali cats may exhibit variations in personality, and their upbringing and socialization can influence their behavior. Overall, Somali cats are known for their engaging and loving personalities, making them wonderful companions for families and individuals alike.

Somali Colors

Somali cats come in a variety of colors, which adds to their unique and striking appearance. Here are some of the colors commonly seen in Somali cats:
Ruddy: The ruddy Somali cat has a warm, reddish-brown coloration. The individual hairs are ticked with bands of black, brown, and orange.
Red: Red Somali cats have a vibrant, reddish-orange coat. The ticking on their fur consists of bands of red, cream, and brown.
Blue: Blue Somali cats have a bluish-gray coat with ticking in shades of blue, cream, and silver. The overall effect is a cool and elegant appearance.
Fawn: Fawn Somali cats have a light beige or buff-colored coat. The ticking on their fur consists of bands of fawn, cream, and brown.
These are the primary colors seen in Somali cats, but variations and nuances can exist within each color category. The ticking pattern on their fur gives them a beautiful and unique appearance, adding depth and richness to their coat colors.

Somali Traits





Somali cats are known for their active and energetic nature. They enjoy playtime and engaging in various activities.





Somali cats are generally not known for being overly vocal. They tend to be on the quieter side compared to some other cat breeds.





Grooming is an important aspect of caring for a Somali cat's beautiful and thick coat.

Somali Cat Grooming and Vocal

Coat Maintenance: The Somali cat's coat is prone to matting, so regular brushing is necessary to prevent tangles and keep the fur free of debris. A wide-toothed comb or a slicker brush can be used to remove loose hair and prevent the formation of mats.
Shedding: Somali cats shed moderately, especially during seasonal changes. More frequent brushing during shedding periods can help minimize loose hair around the house.
Bathing: Somali cats generally do not require frequent baths unless they get unusually dirty. Their natural grooming habits usually keep their coat clean. However, if a bath becomes necessary, use a cat-specific shampoo and ensure thorough rinsing.
Nail Trimming: Regular nail trimming is important to prevent overgrowth and scratching. Use a cat nail trimmer and be cautious not to cut into the quick, which can cause bleeding.
Dental Care: Dental hygiene is essential for overall health. Regular brushing with a cat-specific toothbrush and toothpaste, as well as providing dental treats or toys, can help maintain oral health.
Soft Sounds: Somali cats are known for their soft and gentle vocalizations. They may use these sounds to greet their owners, request attention, or express contentment.
Chirping and Trilling: Somali cats may engage in chirping or trilling sounds when they are excited or trying to communicate with their human companions. These sounds can be endearing and add to their engaging personality.
Purring: Like most cats, Somali cats purr as a sign of contentment and relaxation. They may purr when they are being petted, cuddled, or feeling comfortable.
Quiet Nature: Somali cats are not generally known for being loud or overly vocal. They tend to communicate more through body language and facial expressions, relying on subtle vocalizations to express their needs.
It's important to note that individual cats can have different vocalization habits, and some Somali cats may be more vocal than others.

Are Somali Cats Hypoallergenic: Understanding Allergies and Compatibility

Somali cats are not considered hypoallergenic. Hypoallergenic cats are breeds that produce fewer allergens, specifically a protein called Fel d 1, which is the primary allergen responsible for triggering allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. However, it's important to note that no cat breed is completely hypoallergenic.
Somali cats, like other cat breeds, produce the Fel d 1 protein, although some individuals may produce less than others. This protein is found in a cat's saliva, skin dander, and urine, and it can be spread through shedding and grooming. Therefore, individuals who are allergic to cats may still experience allergic reactions to Somali cats or any other cat breed, depending on the severity of their allergies.
If you or someone in your household has allergies but still wants to have a cat, there are a few measures you can take to minimize allergic reactions:
Regular grooming: Brushing your Somali cat regularly can help reduce the amount of loose hair and dander in the environment. This can help limit the allergens present and reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions.
Allergen control: Keep your living space clean and well-ventilated. Vacuum regularly, use air purifiers, and consider using hypoallergenic bedding or covers for furniture to minimize the presence of allergens.
Personal hygiene: Wash your hands after interacting with your Somali cat and avoid touching your face or eyes to prevent transferring allergens.
Consult with a doctor: If you or a family member have allergies, it's recommended to consult with a medical professional for advice on managing allergies and determining the best course of action when it comes to pet ownership.
It's important to note that individual sensitivities to cat allergens can vary, and while some individuals may have milder reactions to Somali cats, others may still experience significant allergies. It's recommended to spend time with a Somali cat or interact with individuals of the breed before making a decision to ensure compatibility and minimize the risk of allergic reactions.

Somali Health Issues: Care Tips and Guidelines

Here are some key points regarding the health of Somali cats:
Regular Veterinary Check-ups: Schedule regular veterinary visits to monitor your Somali cat's overall health and address any concerns or potential health issues promptly.
Vaccinations: Follow a vaccination schedule recommended by your veterinarian to protect your Somali cat from common feline diseases.
Parasite Prevention: Use appropriate preventive measures to protect your cat from fleas, ticks, and internal parasites like worms.
Dental Care: Dental hygiene is important for the overall health of your Somali cat. Regular teeth brushing and veterinary dental check-ups can help prevent dental problems.
Balanced Diet: Feed your Somali cat a balanced and nutritious diet suited for their age and health condition. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the best diet plan for your cat.
Exercise and Weight Management: Encourage regular exercise and engage in play activities with your Somali cat to help maintain a healthy weight and overall fitness.
Remember, while Somali cats are generally healthy, individual cats may still experience health issues. Being attentive to any changes in behavior, appetite, litter box habits, or physical appearance and seeking prompt veterinary attention when necessary can help ensure the well-being of your Somali cat.

Somali Cat Names: Picking the Best Name For Cat


Simba, Nala, Loki, Luna, Milo

Somali Care

Proper care is essential to keep Somali cats healthy, happy, and well-groomed. Here are some care tips for Somali cats:
Grooming: Somali cats have a semi-long coat that requires regular grooming to prevent matting and tangles. Brush their fur at least once or twice a week using a soft-bristle brush or a comb. Pay attention to their undercoat, which can be prone to matting. Additionally, check their ears regularly for cleanliness and gently clean them if needed.
Litter Box: Provide a clean and easily accessible litter box for your Somali cat. Scoop it daily and replace the litter as necessary to maintain cleanliness. Somali cats generally prefer unscented clumping litter.
Nutrition: Feed your Somali cat a balanced and nutritious diet formulated for their specific life stage (kitten, adult, or senior). Consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate portion sizes and feeding schedule. Fresh water should be available at all times.
Play and Exercise: Somali cats are active and intelligent, so provide them with regular playtime and opportunities for physical exercise. Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and scratching posts can help keep them mentally and physically stimulated.
Environmental Enrichment: Create a stimulating environment for your Somali cat by offering scratching posts, climbing trees, and perches. Provide hiding spots and interactive toys to keep them engaged and entertained.
Veterinary Care: Schedule regular veterinary check-ups to monitor your Somali cat's overall health, vaccinations, and preventive care. Follow your veterinarian's recommendations for vaccinations, flea and tick control, and deworming.
Dental Health: Dental hygiene is important for Somali cats. Introduce regular teeth brushing early in their life and consider dental treats or toys to help maintain their oral health. Regular dental check-ups by a veterinarian are also beneficial.
Remember to spend quality time with your Somali cat, providing love, attention, and a safe environment. By ensuring their physical and emotional needs are met, you can help them thrive and enjoy a happy and healthy life.

Somali Kitten: Tips for Finding Your Perfect Feline Companion

When choosing a Somali kitten, there are several factors to consider to ensure you find a healthy and well-suited companion. Here are some tips to help you choose a Somali kitten:
Research and Find a Reputable Breeder: Look for a reputable breeder who has a good reputation and is knowledgeable about the Somali breed. They should prioritize the health and well-being of their cats and provide proper care, socialization, and a clean environment.
Health Screening: Ensure that the breeder conducts health screenings for their cats, including testing for genetic disorders or health issues that may affect Somali cats. Request documentation of health clearances for both the kitten's parents.
Observe the Kitten's Behavior: Spend time observing the kittens to assess their behavior and temperament. Look for a kitten that appears healthy, active, and alert. A well-socialized Somali kitten will be curious, friendly, and comfortable with human interaction.
Physical Examination: Carefully examine the kitten's physical condition. Check for bright and clear eyes, clean ears without excessive wax or discharge, a clean and glossy coat, and a healthy weight. The kitten should have a good appetite and show no signs of illness.
Ask Questions: Don't hesitate to ask the breeder questions about the kitten's health history, socialization, and care. A responsible breeder will be open and willing to provide you with all the necessary information.
Meet the Parents: If possible, meet the kitten's parents or at least the mother. This can give you an idea of the potential physical traits and temperament your kitten may inherit.
Consider Your Lifestyle: Consider your living situation, family dynamics, and personal preferences. Make sure a Somali cat aligns with your lifestyle and that you can provide the necessary care, attention, and environment that they need.
Remember, acquiring a Somali kitten should be a long-term commitment, so take your time and choose a kitten that you feel a strong connection with and that suits your lifestyle and preferences.

Somali Size

Somali cats are medium-sized cats with a slender and athletic build. Here are some general characteristics of their size:
Weight: Male Somali cats typically weigh between 8 to 12 pounds (3.6 to 5.4 kilograms), while females generally weigh between 6 to 9 pounds (2.7 to 4.1 kilograms).
Body Structure: Somali cats have a graceful and elegant body structure. They have a muscular and well-proportioned body, with a long, slim torso and slender legs.
Height: On average, Somali cats stand about 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 centimeters) at the shoulder.
It's important to note that individual Somali cats may vary in size, and these figures are meant to provide a general idea of their size range. Proper nutrition, exercise, and overall health care are crucial factors in maintaining a healthy weight and size for your Somali cat.

Somali Lifespan

Somali cats have an average lifespan of around 12 to 16 years. With proper care, some Somali cats can live even longer, reaching their late teens or early twenties. It's important to note that individual factors such as genetics, diet, exercise, healthcare, and living conditions can all impact a cat's lifespan. Providing a healthy and nurturing environment, regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and plenty of mental and physical stimulation can contribute to a longer and healthier life for Somali cats.

Somali Price

The price of a Somali cat can vary depending on several factors such as the breeder's reputation, the cat's pedigree, the region or country, and the specific qualities of the cat (e.g., show quality, breeding rights, etc.). On average, Somali cats can cost anywhere from $800 to $2,000 or more. It's important to note that purchasing a Somali cat from a reputable breeder ensures that the cat has been properly cared for, socialized, and comes with necessary health checks and documentation. Additionally, adoption from rescue organizations or shelters is another option to consider, which may have a lower cost. It's recommended to research and connect with breeders or rescue organizations in your area to get a better idea of the price range and associated expenses for acquiring a Somali cat.

Somali Facts

Somali cats are a captivating and distinctive breed known for their striking appearance, playful personalities, and luxurious, fox-like tails. With their exotic allure and engaging disposition, Somali cats have earned a special place in the hearts of cat enthusiasts.

One of the most remarkable features of Somali cats is their vibrant and dense semi-long fur, which gives them a regal and luxurious appearance. Their coat showcases a ticked pattern, often with warm reddish-brown or ruddy tones, that resembles the coloration of wild foxes. Their expressive almond-shaped eyes come in various colors, typically ranging from green to amber.

Personality-wise, Somali cats are known for their playful and energetic nature. They are agile and enjoy interactive play, making them adept at activities like fetching and pouncing on toys. Their intelligence and curiosity mean they thrive on mental stimulation and often engage in puzzle-solving games.

Somalis are highly sociable and form strong bonds with their human families. They are often described as affectionate and outgoing, enjoying being part of household activities. They are known to be talkative, engaging in lively conversations with their owners using a melodious and expressive voice.

Despite their active lifestyle, Somali cats are also content with moments of relaxation and affection. They are typically loving companions who seek out cuddles and are loyal to their owners. Their adaptable and sociable nature means they often get along well with children and other pets, making them suitable for multi-pet households.

In conclusion, Somali cats are a breed celebrated for their exotic appearance, playful disposition, and affectionate personalities. Their striking coat, lively character, and engaging presence make them cherished companions for those who appreciate their unique blend of beauty and charm.